Volume cover

Korean Journal of Food Culture (한국식생활문화학회지)

  • v33n3
  • pp.261-267
  • 2018
  • 1225-7060

The Korean Society of Dietary Culture (한국식생활문화학회)

Sensory and Microbial Characteristics of a Rice Processed Snack using Sweet Pumpkin Powder for Infants

  • Kim, Eunkyung (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yongin University)
  • Wu, Xiubao (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yongin University)
  • Choi, Kunyoung (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yongin University)
  • Kim, Haeyoung (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yongin University)

published in 2018. 6. 30


The sensory characteristics of a rice processed snack for 6 to 12 month old infants were investigated. The microbiological safety of all samples was also tested. The moisture content of snack of the SW snack was 6.33 significantly higher than in the other snacks (p<0.05). The sensory intensities of RW were highest in glossiness brightness, uniformity, sweet aroma, savory flavor, sweet flavor, chewiness and crispiness. In the; consumer acceptance test, RW showed significantly higher glossiness, uniformity, sweet aroma, savory flavor, sweet flavor, rancid, chewiness, adhesiveness, crispiness and overall acceptance than the other snacks (p<0.05). The aerobic plate counts were negative in all the samples tested. E. coli and pathogenic microorganisms tests were also negative or not detected, showing that all the samples tested were microbiologically safe according to the food code which applies to food manufacturers. Overall, potentially high value products of rice processed snacks for 6 to 12 month old infants were developed and tested They are expected to be utilized and in the competitive and growing infant food industry.


  • Rice snack
  • sweet pumpkin
  • sensory
  • microbial

Analytical Information

Analytical Information of the Articles
IPC A23L 7/17, A23G 3/48
CPC A23L 7/17, A23G 3/48
Analytical Keyword sweet pumpkin powder; rice processed snack; infants; microbial; safety; glossiness; brightness; uniformity; sweet aroma; savory flavor; sweet flavor; chewiness; crispiness
Etc. keywrd sweet pumpkin powder; rice processed snack; infants; microbial; safety; glossiness; brightness; uniformity; sweet aroma; savory flavor; sweet flavor; chewiness; crispiness

Published Information

Published Information of the Articles
KJTK Publish Information Volume 12. 2018. 12. 31
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